Our integrative mental health counseling practices, Natural Resilience and Resilient Kids, were created with the intention to help clients in the realms of mind, body and spirit. We have since grown to nineteen clinicians caring for patients at two Morgantown locations, Suncrest Towne Center and Coombs Farm.
As an extension to our original vision, we are now excited to announce our newest addition: The Mindbody Center.
The Mindbody Center provides a space for both Natural Resilience and Resilient Kids practitioners to offer complementary and alternative mental health services to current clients and to provide wellness opportunities for the community.
Services include experiential and educational groups, meditation, yoga and other movement therapies, acupuncture, and health coaching.
To learn more about each course, visit The Mindbody Center's website. Call Natalie at 304.241.5100 to register for holistic therapy. You may check the calendar and register for community classes on The Mindbody Center's scheduler.
The Mindbody Center’s Holistic Therapy
Holistic therapy classes and series are offered by our licensed clinicians as a way to integrate wellness and recovery into your weekly schedule, outside of counseling. These offerings require an evaluation prior to registration, and are often insurance reimbursable. Receiving individual counseling services at Natural Resilience or Resilient Kids is not a prerequisite or requirement of participation.
For more information or to be enrolled in these offerings, call 304.241.5100 or email natalie@mindbodywv.com.
Holistic Therapy Series Individualized and progressive content is presented over several weeks.
Trauma Sensitive Yoga
Thrive to Health 8-week Series
Berney Levey Water Project (Art Therapy)
Easing Depression and Anxiety
Complementary and Alternative Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
Transforming Stress For Teens
Healthy Caregiving 101
Meditation Sampler 6-week Series
Yoga for Recovery
Holistic Therapy Classes Designed for user-flexibility, drop-ins are welcome after initial consult.
Meditation for Wellbeing
Mindfulness Meditation
The Mindbody Center’s Community Yoga Classes and Other Movement Therapies
Community classes are designed for flexibility; drop-ins are welcome. Register and pay online from The Mindbody Scheduler.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga for Kids
Yoga for Teens
Yoga for Beginners
Baby and Me Yoga
Gentle Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Power Yoga
Restorative Yoga for Couples
Shizen Ryoku Aikido (Japanese Martial Art)
Ladies Self Defense
Mindful Movement
Body Scan Meditation
The Mindbody Center’s Community Series and Workshops
Community series are multi-week programs, allowing you to dive deeper into the content and to benefit from group continuity. Community workshops are one-time events.
Finding Your Muse: Creativity and Mindfulness Workshops for Women
The Mindbody Center’s One-on-One Appointments
Your health and wellbeing is vital to your ability to do your work in the world. Individualized attention through our one-on-one services allow providers to more quickly understand and directly address your needs and work with you on creating an approach to health and wellbeing specific to your needs.
Traditional chinese medicine
Health coaching
HeartMath Biofeedback
Book one-one-appointments by calling Natalie at 304.241.5100 or by emailing natalie@mindbodywv.com.

The Mindbody Center offers services to clients of Natural Resilience and Resilient Kids, as well as to the community. Services include experiential and educational groups, meditation, yoga and other movement therapies, acupuncture, and health coaching.
The Mindbody Center • www.mindbodywv.com 2000 Coombs Farm Road, Building B, Suite 106 • Morgantown, WV 26508 • Phone: 304-241-5100